pokemon emo

this pic for evry pok(e)mo lover 

and this is an pokemon coloring app
install and have not fun ;)

new emo Nerd Girls!

Nerd Scene Style!
Many girls looks beautiful and pretty with nerd style! And guys too, But i add some girls pictures and later; Guys With nerd style! Just keep up with us Lovers!

Emo Guys

Emo Guys. They are stylish, sweet, and mysterious. Or are they mean, oversensitive , and depressed. A lot of people think they know what emo guys are like. But the truth is that there are a lot of different personality types that join emo and emo itself is not even a clear term. But let’s explore “emo guys” anyway by hearing what the they themselves and their friends have to say. Perhaps, if we can’t define “emo boys” we can get a clearer sense of the variety and make sense of the patterns we see.
They are Deeper
“Exceedingly emotional, the Emo Boy is very artistic and expresses a great deal of his emotions through poetry, music or art. This species is very open with his feelings and will not hesitate to declare undying love to the object of his desire.”
“They are deep and caring and dont care whether you are "cool" or not.”
This might have some truth. A lot of boys relate to emo because of… well… the emotions and expressiveness. Therefore, these guys are probably more in touch with themselves, and thus, have more originality in their beliefs. Right brained individuals have many emo characteristics such as sensitivity, creativity, introversion, and deeper emotions.
Emo guys are Sweeter than normal guys
“im dating an emo boy and hes realy sweet but, they all have diff personalities”
“GENERALLy in my opinion emo boys are better than
those preppy and hip hop guys..
They are Way more mature than those arrogant boys
and don't think they are coolest thing ever.

“they care and understand your feelings
and are generally more loving than other stereotypes
once they fall in love. “

And Ive seen other stereotypes more loving and sweeter
than emos, Im talking generally and based on my opinion and exprience.”
Like we discussed in Emo Love, emos tend to feel every emotion deeper because they are right brained, so it would be no surprise to hear that a lot of them are compassionate towards other people. Right brained people are in fact so compassionate, they often get involved in politics and activism.
Emo guys are Depressed, Overdramatic, and Mean
 “This emo guy I’m seeing is nic, but some of them are just plain a55holes”
“They are too much drama. I once met an emo guy, and he acted like he was on his period. He was crying one minute, telling me how red hair was valued in the European gothic culture, then crying again. It was too much for me, but I guess that because I'm a sporty and a little bit nerdy (Just because I get straight A's, lol.) prep. =] But, I'm sure not every one is like that.”

“ Emos come in all flavours. My friend is an emo but also an asshole.”
“Just because they are "emo" doesnt mean they all have one personality just like every normal person they all have different personalitys. I know a few 'scene/emo' people and some are nice others are jerks, some shy others outgoing, coceited, and self consious.”
 “Okay....Emo guys make me SO mad!....They are cool and GREAT to hang out with and be around...but why do they think they can get you to do what they want by sayin' they're going to kill themselves because they're soooo depressed, when they KNOW and they know you KNOW they won't do it if they told somebody?!...”
These people seem to try to stay neutral in their opinions that there are all sorts of emos out there, but they seem to also notice that there actually are depressed, overdramatic, and even mean emos out there.  Just like any other group of people, they seem to have their extremes – good and bad. So why might emo boys be this way sometimes? Well, some music in emo is definitely about bitterness and depression. So it is going to attract those kind of people in naturally. 
But everyone has some angst, even positive people, and so a lot of people are going to be able to relate to emo and join. In addition, Emo music is also about a wide range of other emotions that people can relate to deeply, including positive emotions. So that is probably why there is so much variety. Because emo music is so strong about the emotions, you will get more people on average who are more extreme with their emotions.  On a side note, in terms of shyness, the traditional emo mindset is probably more shy because they spend a lot of time in their head exploring their feelings
Emo guys are really into their Looks
Isn’t that a girl’s dream come true? A boy who loves fashion. Not only would he look good next to your arm as a second self walking accessory, but he would also *gasp* go shopping with you?!  According to some insider sources and the obvious, this claim has a lot of truth to it. You have to be into your looks to be emo. The hair is left long and parted to one side, dyed black. Tight clothes are put on. Makeup is put on. Now if that isn’t caring a lot about looks, I don’t know what is. They pride themselves on the skinny look. And add to that, extra emotions… They are pretty much women! But to other girls, they are manlier and sexier than ever. I call it the Johnny Depp pirate effect. Go figure.
“Is it just me, or are emo boys really hot at the moment? That combination of funky clothes, super stylish hair and 'I don't give a damn' attitude is so cool, and I never knew how good a little kohl could look on a guy - intense!”
“yesssss, i love the emo look.
and i love the tight jeans, and there hair.
=] imsingleeee ;] lol”
Emo guys like to kiss ... other Emo guys
Search online about emo boys and you are bound to find images of them kissing or frolicking like it’s an Abercrombie calendar. What is up with that and is there any truth to it? Take a look at the testimonials from people and even a bisexual emo himself.  
“i love them in some ways,,,the bad thing is when you see a really cute one and then you realize hes gay,,>:(..is so horrible,,but there kind of cute if there good emo guys not some lame guy that does not want to talk with you”
“They're usually bi... but I think its because they (or maybe i should say we) have learned not to abide by society's rules. We prefer to be unorthodox.”
“im emo and to answer that wuestion is because the emish subculture is more intuned and tolerant with their emotions. its alright to be sad and you know everyone hhas problems but its ok but yeah i mean im 15 and im bi but its just i don't know emo guys are hot and its just a way gay guys can act more gay. I mean im kinda bi i like to have fun more with a guy than a girl but yeah theres not that many emo girls bucase girls are ussualy always intuend with their emotions its just a matter of whjen is the right time to express them”
“Most of the ones I've met are straight. Nobody chooses their sexuality, so I guess you could said we're all born the way that we are.”

It seems that emo boys do tend to be more bisexual on average. This is probably because as some of the testimonies suggest, the emo culture is more accepting of bisexuality. In addition, gay or bisexual guys get to dress up real fancy as a part of the emo subculture… can a gay person ask for more? I think this myth is deemed plausible. I think there is a correlation... not a confirmation, but an extra tendency.
So what can we make of everything we just discussed? With fashion, deep emotions, and sensitivity, it looks like emo boys are dreams come true if they don’t indulge in the other negative feelings.  In addition, with the variety of viewpoints,  it should get rid of the stereotype that there is such a thing as one type of emo boy. Instead, it should help you gain some insight into their subculture and appreciate the variety of so called emo guys.
With this in mind, I think it is okay to explore their commonalities because it is intriguing. Emo guys can be mysterious, gentle, and beautiful in their many expressions. Maybe it’ll motivate you to go interact with them and see for yourself how they really are.

Emo Girls

Emo girls. They are sexy, deep, and mysterious. Or are they fun, bubbly, and kind. Or perhaps they're whiny, needy, and full of drama? A lot of people think they know what emo girls are like. But the truth is that there are a lot of different personality types that join emo and emo itself is not even a clear term. But let’s explore “emo girls” anyway by hearing what the girls themselves and their friends have to say.  Perhaps, if we can’t define “emo girls” we can get a clearer sense of the variety and make sense of the patterns we see.
Some “emo girls” dress Flashy, some dress more Dark
“There's one uniting thread: emo girls are females who like the same style. They're diverse personality-wise. Everyone seems to think we all think we're being "unique" by dressing the same way, but seriously, we just like the style. There are woe-is-me emo kids, there are hyper-as-hell emo kids... approach it the same way you would any other girl but for the love of GOD don't refer to them as though they're an army of clones.”
This girl seems to base emo’s definition entirely on fashion, So in that case, she is talking about Scene girls as we discussed in the “What Is Emo”. Traditional emos are actually more into the attitude and emo music. Scene girls go for fashion inspired by the emo look. So what do Scene girls look like and how can you tell them apart from emo girls? This is important to note because most people can’t tell the difference.  Here is what one girl noted down in her observations of both:
- Bright colors
- Ginormous hair
- Lots of colorful eye makeup
- Vans slip-ons
- Happy
- Colorful hair (Take for example the singer of Paramore, of which all those apply)
- Bandanas
It's like taking an emo and having Rainbow-Brite throw up on it.

- Dark colors
- Stripes
- Converse sneakers
- Quiet
- Darker hair colors
- Lots of eyeliner
- Studded belts
- More band merch
- Black nail-polish

- Skinny jeans
- Side bangs and/or straight across bangs
- Bows
- Dense amount of bracelets
- Various facial piercings
- Music
So scene girls typically have a more flamboyant way of dressing. They typically have more colorful, larger hair as well as more colorful clothing whereas Emo subculture girls tend to have flatter hair with more black colors all around. Of course, there is everywhere in between as well. One girl stated that she considered herself half emo and half normal.
Emo Girl
Scene Girl
Emo Girls Pictures  
They look so Skinny

They tend to be skinnier for two main reasons. One, if you are more traditionally emo, you eat less to get that more frail look. Scene, being inspired by emo, borrows that tight fitting look which only skinnier girls can pull off well. Another reason is because emo and scene tend to be vegan or vegetarian, and like many vegetarians who don’t carefully plan their diet, they get skinnier, because it is harder to find a variety of food. But keep in mind the internet is mostly going to show you sexy emo and scene girls. There are heavier emo/scene girls out there. But overall, on average, scene girls tend to be skinnier.
Emo girls are so Fun, Bubbly, and they are Kind ...
“Well i tell you what, I've talked to girls who dress like that and some of them are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet.”
Commentary: They say the scene girls tend to be more like this. But even more traditional emo girls who are more introverted and shy can have this side come out of them with someone they can relate to and trust. Like we discussed in Emo Love section, emos tend to feel every emotion deeper because they are right brained, so it would be no surprise to hear that a lot of them are compassionate towards other people.

Emo girls are so Overdramatic, Shy, and Sad – public perceive and personal experiences
From people who know emo girls:
“A lot of people don’t like emo girls…. Like they are dramatic and defensive and whine a lot and needy.”
“[About cutting]They do that because they let their anger out. I have never done that befoer but i have a lucky guess. I've seen alot of emo's do that.”
There are some emos who are actually overdramatic and sad. Part of the emo culture does going beyond merely exploring feelings and into glamorizing bitterness and drama. So naturally, many people will join emo because they identify with the pain. But even if they do this, we need to have a more understanding attitude in order to help them. Read this section to see what some of them are going through.
On an even deeper level, if they don’t have heart breaking stories they can share, maybe they had experiences as children they can’t remember. The point is that everyone has a reason for the way they are, and it is our job to help, not put others down to make ourselves feel better.

In terms of shyness, the s traditional emo mindset is more introverted because they spend a lot of time in their head exploring their feelings. But even introverted people can be very social. Especially one on one with people they know, they can talk your ear off. But the difference is that when talking to multiple people, they can tire easily and need to recharge. As for scene girls, since they just like the fashion, they may be extroverted and be comfortable with being social without tire.
Emo girls tend to have more Personality and Depth
From someone who know emo girls:
“I’ve dated a few emo girls and it’s great. I like [them]due to their attitude… it's more emotionally deep”

This might have some truth. A lot of girls relate to emo because of… well… the emotions and expressiveness. Therefore, these girls are probably more in touch with themselves, and thus, have more originality in their beliefs.
Emo girls are Easy
Some people… especially guys wonder this question, because of the way these girls dress. After all, emo girls have a lot of makeup and wear tight fitting clothes with wild hair. Here is what emo girls and the general public has to say.
From Emo/Scene girls themselves:

“im scene, and im not slutty. i flirt alot, but thats just me and my personality. i dont generally find myself easy, actually quite the opposite! i need to have a great relationship with someone before i even dream about getting horizontal =]”

From people who know emo girls:
“One of my best friends is scene. Shes not slutty at all. She is the most funny and coolest person to hangout with. Sadly, there are a lot of slutty girls, whether they are scene or not.”
“A few of my friends (ok... 2) are scene/emo/goth, and well, not all of them are particularly slutty.”
“Well I've dated a couple of scene girls (one of em' was REALLY scene) and they weren't slutty at all!”
“I really hate to be stereotypical here, but I'm speaking from personal experience. I used to be a part of the emo/scene crowd and I found that most of the girls... how do I say this... they were "easy" to say in the nicest way. They seem to have an edge to them and guys maybe think or know that they can get with her easily.”
I think from all of this, it is pretty clear that there is not much correlation since there are plenty of people to vouch for emo girls having a sense of value. About that last girl’s comment about them being easy, it’s possible that some girls into scene to get attention and sleep around more. In addition, there are plenty of self respecting girls who are not easy but choose to be more promiscuous. Either way, based on various testimonies, such “easy” girls are probably a minority. So overall, it looks emo girls are not really any easier than normal girls.

Emo girls are somewhere in between all of these things
"my friends call me emo.. my bf is pretty well-rounded lol.. i guess it's more of personality for me rather than looks or what type of image the guy portrays... not all "emo" girls are the same.. i guess im more on the half emo half "normal" type of girl."
I think this shows that there is much more variety among girls than stereotypes suggest.  It’s just like how some people are kinda agnostic as opposed to full on Atheist or Christian.
So what can we make of everything we just discussed? If anything, it should get rid of the stereotype that there is such a thing as one type of emo girl. Instead, it should help you gain some insight into their subculture and appreciate the variety of so called emo girls.
With this in mind, I think it is okay to explore their commonalities because it is intriguing. Emo girls can be mysterious, colorful, and beautiful in their many expressions. Maybe it’ll motivate you to go interact with them and see for yourself how they really are

Emo Love ^_^

Love between two emos can be extremely strong and powerful. This is because, guess what … they are very emotional! With emos, a great deal of time is spent looking inside in a world of imagination, deep thoughts, which tend to be related to very strong feelings. Emo love reminds me of a book called Upside Down Brilliance by Linda Silverman, she says that it is right-brained people who are introspective, musical, and highly emotional. They are blessed with the emotional capacity to be creative, empathize, and of course, love deeper than others! But these right-brained children are also more sensitive, and thus were more prone to be hurt or traumatized by peers or parents. Dating guru Sean Messenger agrees that such hurt children begin to turn inwards away from the world and explore what is inside.
Many grow up to spend a lot of time alone for such things as reading, philosophy, music,  and writing poems. During this time, they are in a unique and complex world that no one seems to really understand - even friends. And this is why it can be so powerful when two emos meet. It can feel like you were meant to be. Finally, you have someone to share all of these deep and wonderful emotions with, someone who can feel your deepest pains… someone who gets you. So live it up. Love like you’ve never loved before. Play, laugh, cry, and cherish your inner child together. You may experience some of the highest emotions of life as an emo who has found love. It is a blessing for someone to allow you to see such intimate sides of themselves, and this is what it means to be in love.
But beware! This is also why Emo partners can be especially sensitive to hurt from their partners. The inner child still sees itself as fragile and has finally found long awaited salvation from past hurt through romantic love. Now you guys are expected to take care of each other’s fragility. When the inner child is showing itself and entrusting itself to another person, it is vulnerable. The inner child’s highest joys and deepest pains from what is really personally inside will come to the forefront. Arguments over nothing may become everything. It can be shocking. But don't fall for it. The pain is not caused by you. You've just exposed it. Just be there for them like you would a crying child and own up to any mistakes you've made.
It can be very scary to have the person closest to you deliver you the greatest hurt. At its worst, tears will roll. Words will fly. And flaming locusts will descend from the netherworlds to end all that you know. You may be in for one emo-tional rollercoaster! This is what happens when expectations to be each other’s saviors from pain are not met. But as John Legend says, we are just ordinary people. We can’t be perfect lovers. So if you keep all this in mind, you will be prepared and know your emo partner is just acting out of pain when they seem to be hating. Again, be there to help each other and try not to react to each other's pain. Try to work things out and grow together. It is a chance to heal the deepest part of you.
But if you break up or your emo partner does something foul to you, don’t get bitter. I know there is quite a lot of misogynistic music and songs about romantic bitterness in emo. Find songs that allow you to surrender to the sorrow and explore your hurt, and stay away from songs tell you that you are a victim or should be bitter.  That is addictive fake strength and you deserve better. Emo, at its best, is supposed to be about emotions and feeling them to grow. Even in loss, it is just as great of an opportunity to grow, heal, and find self love. By the way, this applies for non-emo people as well. It’s just that with emos can be and tend to be more emotional on average. No matter what happens, I wish you well as you move forward.

Emo Haircuts Hairstyles 2012

Emo hairstyles in 2012 are a combination of emo hair long model will be combined so as medium emo hairstyles are more flirtatious and sexy look that will add to the women to look younger with a mix of simple models of clothes. Although impressed flirty but more energetic which will suit the character of a romantic woman and hard worker. The survey results in California salon owners at some time ago agreed that the emo hairstyles as shown in the figure below is a tern emo hair in 2012 which will be followed by millions of fans around the world emo hair.
In the picture above is a mix of emo hair styles are combined with models of medium length emo hair that seemed unbelievably energetic and sexy appearance will be very supportive of women who had a quiet character so it would seem more spoiled. A description of emo hair will be explained in detail on the link in the Amazon that you can see on this blog. Happy Christmas 2012 may keep the spirit of welcoming the new year with a new sheet of a better life again.

Audrey Kitching - without (no) makeup



Galaxy Hair ~ purple pink hair ^_^ inspiration

Hi, today I show u some hair pics of galaxy colors.
I personally love this color style. What about u? :P
Super jealous of anyone with hair colour as sweet as this.
Pink and blue works well together! More at: http://www.hairchalk.co

Fuck Yeah, Dyed Hair!

Galaxy Hair love the transition of colors so pretty

Scene hair

Purple & pink & blue colors are the best you can choose

Galaxy ombre hair

purple fuchsia hair

purple blue pink silver hair